The State of Colorado under the previous Governor, John Hickenlooper, had a multifaceted performance-improvement strategy that included performance management, operational improvements and talent development, among other elements. That work continues today under current Governor Jared Polis. We look back at the previous administration to draw lessons for other states. We’re joined by David Padrino. He served under Governor Hickenlooper as Colorado’s first Chief Performance Officer and as the former Chief of Staff to then-Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne. Today he is the Chief Recovery Officer at the Colorado Attorney General’s Office.
Web extras: Mr. Padrino discusses how the efforts have continued and advanced in the new administration, under Governor Polis. [click here]. He also discusses the connections and differences between performance measurement / management and evidence-based policy. [click here]
Learn more: Colorado is featured in Results for America’s Blueprint for Delivering Results in State Government, released in 2020. Also see the related Gov Innovator interview with Henry Sobanet about Colorado’s lean initiative.